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Web Studio

Rich Internet Applications

There is a lot of buzz and talks about the need for Rich Internet Applications. insigioprovides you with a plan, UI elements, and required experience to implement them

insigio’s Rich Internet Application Practice (RIA-P) is a unique service that gives you a quick turnaround on developing your next application UI project. Within few weeks we develop a UI strategy plan and provide a user-validated, application UI design based on the high value scenarios and workflows in the application. At the end of this RIA-P engagement, you have an updated application flow, selection of the best RIA technology (e.g. Silverlight, Adobe Flex, AJAX/XHTML etc) that matches your requirements and back-end, primary screen designs, and a prototype coded in the selected technology. You end up with a complete implementation plan for optimizing your application UI in the next release.

Deciding on the utilization of Rich Internet Application technology (RIA)

RIA user interfaces dramatically improve the user experience of Web-based applications in many different ways. As part of RIA-P, a insigio team member will review your application with you and identify where RIA tools can offer the most beneficial impact in terms of user experience & fast> On the lightweight end of the spectrum, you can re-implement basic features of your Web application to be more responsive and offer visual pizzazz (e.g. Google-style "suggest" search box, background content loading, balloon help, tabbed displays, sortable tables, etc). On the other end of the spectrum, rich RIA clients can replace Web-based portals as a way to interact with Web services and SOA assets (e.g. Enterprise Mashups).

Success with Rich Internet Applications

insigio’s RIA – Practice provides our customers with a UI design and development team that is experienced with a wide range of RIA frameworks/technologies, and understands the application, web and server programming necessary for implementation. This gives our customer team more time to come up to speed, decisions on what AJAX tools to use, a strategy on how to incrementally add RIAs, and a visual blueprint of how the final web application will operate.

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